Violin recital: ANJA JAMŠEK
(18:00) You are about to see and hear the violin recital performed by the young slovenian violinist Anja Jamšek and accompanied by the pianist Slaven Kulenović. Anja started to learn the violin at the age of eight with pedagogue Tatjana Špragar at the Music School Vič-Rudnik in Ljubljana, Slovenia and then continued her schooling with her mother, Vesna Jamšek, prof., at the Music School Moste-Polje in Ljubljana. Since 2006 her menthor is Janez Podlesek, prof., and she is concluding her studies at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana.
Anja is constantly participating in different seminars and is expanding her musical knowledge with violinists and teachers like Janez Podlesek, Armin Sešek, Saewon Suh, Jiří Vodička, Igor Grasselli, Igor Coretti Kuret (CEIYO), Primož Novšak,…
She has successfully participated in numerous regional, state and international music competitions. The last, most noticable, is the 2nd International Young Musicians Competition Prize »Antonio Salieri« in Legnago, where she won third prize and the 11th Valsesia Musica Juniores International Competition Monterosa – Kawai Prize in Milano (Valsesia), where she won second place, second prize.
Anja has made many public performances and concerts in Križanke, Union Hall in Ljubljana, Union Hall in Maribor, and she has also played in many public and charity events. In the year 2010 she had successfully passed an audition for the International Symphonic Orchestra for Young Musicians CEIYO (Central European Internatinal Youth Orchestra), with which she had performed on both, the summer and autumn, tours all over Italy and Sicily. Also In 2010 she had played a part in the Chamber Orchestra of Festival Bled conducted by maestro Nenad Firšt.
This year she will take part in the entrance exams at the Music Academy in Ljubljana. We wish her best of luck …
Kratek prevod v slovenskem jeziku:
Pred vami je violinski recital mlade violinistke Anje Jamšek ob klavirski spremljavi Slavena Kulenovića. Anja se je violino začela učiti pri osmih letih na Glasbeni šoli Vič-Rudnik, v razredu pedagoginje Tatjane Špragar, prof. Šolanje je nato nadaljevala pri svoji materi, Vesni Jamšek, prof., na Glasbeni šoli Moste-Polje. Od leta 2006 pa je njen mentor Janez Podlesek, prof., pri kateremu Anja zaključuje četrto leto študija na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet Ljubljana.
Anja se stalno udeležuje seminarjev in se glasbeno izpopolnjuje pri številnih violinistih in profesorjih, kot so Janez Podlesek, Armin Sešek, Saewon Suh, Igor Grasselli, Jiří Vodička, Igor Coretti Kuret (CEIYO), Primož Novšak,…
Uspešno se je udeležila številnih tekmovanj na regijski, državni in mednarodni ravni. Zadnji najbolj odmevni tekmovanji sta 2nd International Young Musicians Competition Prize »Antonio Salieri« v Legnagu, kjer je osvojila tretjo nagrado in 11th Valsesia Musica Juniores International Competition Monterosa – Kawai Prize v Milanu (Valsesia), kjer je osvojila drugo mesto, drugo nagrado.
Anja ima za sabo številne javne nastope in koncerte v Križankah, v Unionski dvorani v Ljubljani, Unionski dvorani v Mariboru, nastopila je na mnogih javnih prireditvah in dobrodelnih dogodkih. Leta 2010 je uspešno opravila avdicijo za mladinski srednjeevropski simfonični orkester CEIYO (Central European Internatinal Youth Orchestra), s katerim je nastopila na poletni in jesenski turneji po Italiji in na Siciliji. Istega poletja je prav tako sodelovala v komornem orkestru Festivala Bled pod taktirko profesorja Nenada Firšta.
Letos se pripravlja na sprejemni izpit za Akademijo za glasbo v Ljubljani.
Vljudno vabljeni k poslušanju …