The Journey Home – Radhanath Swami

The Journey Home - Radhanath SwamiRadhanath Swami talks about his book and his “journey home” which is a path we all walk while looking for our purpose and truth. But the most important journey is not the yourney outside, but the yourney within, where we can find love and how to be loved – in our hearths – this is place of our true home.


1 komentar

  • marko.m

    Zanimiv intervju, hvala za objavo.

    Radhanath Svamijeva knjiga Pot domov je odlična, priporočam ji v branje. Svami skozi svojo življensko zgodbo podaja edino realno alternativo zmaterializirani družbi, da vsakdo od nas začne duhovno revolucijo v svojem srcu.

    “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

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